Block Expressions
CiceroMark uses block expressions to enable more advanced scenarios, to handle optional or repeated text (e.g., lists), to change the variables in scope for a given section of the text, etc.
Block expressions always have the following syntactic structure:
{{#blockName variableName parameters}}
where blockName
indicates which kind of block it is (e.g., conditional block or list block), variableName
indicates the template variable which is in scope within the block. For certain blocks, additional parameters
can be passed to control the behavior of that block (e.g., the join
block creates text from a list with an optional separator).
List Blocks
Unordered Lists
{{#ulist rates}}{{volumeAbove}}$ M<= Volume < {{volumeUpTo}}$ M : {{rate}}%{{/ulist}}
Drafting text with this block using the following JSON data:
"$class": "org.accordproject.volumediscountlist.VolumeDiscountContract",
"contractId": "19243313-adc2-4ff1-aa41-993816ed2cdc",
"rates": [
"$class": "org.accordproject.volumediscountlist.RateRange",
"volumeUpTo": 1,
"volumeAbove": 0,
"rate": 3.1
"$class": "org.accordproject.volumediscountlist.RateRange",
"volumeUpTo": 10,
"volumeAbove": 1,
"rate": 3.1
"$class": "org.accordproject.volumediscountlist.RateRange",
"volumeUpTo": 50,
"volumeAbove": 10,
"rate": 2.9
results in the following markdown text:
- 0.0$ M <= Volume < 1.0$ M : 3.1%
- 1.0$ M <= Volume < 10.0$ M : 3.1%
- 10.0$ M <= Volume < 50.0$ M : 2.9%
Ordered Lists
{{#olist rates}}{{volumeAbove}}$ M <= Volume < {{volumeUpTo}}$ M : {{rate}}%{{/olist}}
Drafting text with this block using the following JSON data:
"$class": "org.accordproject.volumediscountlist.VolumeDiscountContract",
"contractId": "19243313-adc2-4ff1-aa41-993816ed2cdc",
"rates": [
"$class": "org.accordproject.volumediscountlist.RateRange",
"volumeUpTo": 1,
"volumeAbove": 0,
"rate": 3.1
"$class": "org.accordproject.volumediscountlist.RateRange",
"volumeUpTo": 10,
"volumeAbove": 1,
"rate": 3.1
"$class": "org.accordproject.volumediscountlist.RateRange",
"volumeUpTo": 50,
"volumeAbove": 10,
"rate": 2.9
results in the following markdown text:
1. 0.0$ M <= Volume < 1.0$ M : 3.1%
2. 1.0$ M <= Volume < 10.0$ M : 3.1%
3. 10.0$ M <= Volume < 50.0$ M : 2.9%
Conditional Blocks
Conditional blocks enables text which depends on a value of a Boolean
variable in your model:
{{#if forceMajeure}}This is a force majeure{{/if}}
Conditional blocks replace the notion of conditional variables used in Cicero version 0.13
or earlier. If you need to migrate templates created for a previous version of Cicero, please refer to the 0.13 to 0.20 Migration Guide.
Conditional blocks can also include an else
branch to indicate that some other text should be use when the value of the variable is false
{{#if forceMajeure}}This is a force majeure{{else}}This is *not* a force majeure{{/if}}
Drafting text with the first conditional block above using the following JSON data:
"$class": "",
"forceMajeure": true
results in the following markdown text:
This is a force majeure
Drafting text with this block using the following JSON data:
"$class": "",
"forceMajeure": false
results in the following markdown text:
Clause Blocks
Blocks can be used to inline a clause's text within a contract template:
{{#clause payment}}
As consideration in full for the rights granted herein, Licensee shall pay Licensor a one-time
fee in the amount of {{amountText}} ({{amount}}) upon execution of this Agreement, payable as
follows: {{paymentProcedure}}.
Drafting text with this block using the following JSON data:
"$class": "org.accordproject.copyrightlicense.CopyrightLicenseContract",
"contractId": "944535e8-213c-4649-9e60-cc062cce24e8",
"paymentClause": {
"$class": "org.accordproject.copyrightlicense.PaymentClause",
"clauseId": "6c7611dc-410c-4134-a9ec-17fb6aad5607",
"amountText": "one hundred US Dollars",
"amount": {
"$class": "",
"doubleValue": 100,
"currencyCode": "USD"
"paymentProcedure": "bank transfer"
results in the following markdown text:
As consideration in full for the rights granted herein, Licensee shall pay Licensor a one-time
fee in the amount of "one hundred US Dollars" (100.0 USD) upon execution of this Agreement, payable as
follows: "bank transfer".
With Blocks
A with
block can be used to changes variables that are in scope in a specific part of a template grammar:
For the Tenant: {{#with tenant}}{{partyId}}, domiciled at {{address}}{{/with}}
For the Landlord: {{#with landlord}}{{partyId}}, domiciled at {{address}}{{/with}}
Drafting text with this block using the following JSON data:
"$class": "org.accordproject.rentaldeposit.RentalDepositClause",
"contractId": "31d817e2-d62a-4b70-b395-acd0d5da09f5",
"tenant": {
"$class": "org.accordproject.rentaldeposit.RentalParty",
"partyId": "Michael",
"address": "111, main street"
results in the following markdown text:
For the Tenant: "Michael", domiciled at "111, main street"
For the Landlord: "Parsa", domiciled at "222, chestnut road"
User Feedback
Other templating systems, e.g., Handlebars, offer a variety of features which are not currently supported in CiceroMark, such as:
- Iterators Blocks
- Comments
{{!-- ... --}}
- Whitespace control
We welcome user feedback on whether those (or other) features would be useful. Please visit the issues list in the Cicero GitHub repository for related discussions or to contribute.