Module ErgoSpec.Backend.Component.MathComponent

Require Import String.
Require Import List.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Equivalence.
Require Import Qcert.Utils.Utils.
Require Import Qcert.Data.Model.ForeignData.
Require Import Qcert.Data.Operators.ForeignOperators.
Require Import Qcert.Translation.Operators.ForeignToJava.
Require Import Qcert.Java.JavaSystem.

Import ListNotations.
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Local Open Scope nstring_scope.

Math functions (trigonometric, etc) part of the Ergo Standard Library


Axiom FLOAT_PI : float.
Axiom FLOAT_E : float.

Unary operators
Axiom FLOAT_of_string : string -> option float.
Extract Inlined Constant FLOAT_of_string => "(fun x -> Util.ergo_float_of_string x)".

Axiom FLOAT_acos : float -> float.
Extract Inlined Constant FLOAT_acos => "(fun x -> acos x)".
Axiom FLOAT_asin : float -> float.
Extract Inlined Constant FLOAT_asin => "(fun x -> asin x)".
Axiom FLOAT_atan : float -> float.
Extract Inlined Constant FLOAT_atan => "(fun x -> atan x)".

Axiom FLOAT_cos : float -> float.
Extract Inlined Constant FLOAT_cos => "(fun x -> cos x)".
Axiom FLOAT_cosh : float -> float.
Extract Inlined Constant FLOAT_cosh => "(fun x -> cosh x)".

Axiom FLOAT_sin : float -> float.
Extract Inlined Constant FLOAT_sin => "(fun x -> sin x)".
Axiom FLOAT_sinh : float -> float.
Extract Inlined Constant FLOAT_sinh => "(fun x -> sinh x)".

Axiom FLOAT_tan : float -> float.
Extract Inlined Constant FLOAT_tan => "(fun x -> tan x)".
Axiom FLOAT_tanh : float -> float.
Extract Inlined Constant FLOAT_tanh => "(fun x -> tanh x)".

Binary operators
Axiom FLOAT_atan2 : float -> float -> float.
Extract Inlined Constant FLOAT_atan2 => "(fun x y -> atan2 x y)".

Section MathOperators.
  Inductive math_unary_op :=
  | uop_math_float_of_string
  | uop_math_acos
  | uop_math_asin
  | uop_math_atan
  | uop_math_cos
  | uop_math_cosh
  | uop_math_sin
  | uop_math_sinh
  | uop_math_tan
  | uop_math_tanh

  Inductive math_binary_op :=
  | bop_math_atan2

  Section toString.
    Definition math_unary_op_tostring (f:math_unary_op) : string :=
      match f with
      | uop_math_float_of_string => "floatOfString"
      | uop_math_acos => "acos"
      | uop_math_asin => "asin"
      | uop_math_atan => "atan"
      | uop_math_cos => "cos"
      | uop_math_cosh => "cosh"
      | uop_math_sin => "sin"
      | uop_math_sinh => "sinh"
      | uop_math_tan => "tan"
      | uop_math_tanh => "tanh"

    Definition math_binary_op_tostring (f:math_binary_op) : string :=
      match f with
      | bop_math_atan2 => "atan2"

  End toString.

  Section toJava.
    Definition cname : nstring := ^"MathComponent".

    Definition math_to_java_unary_op
               (indent:nat) (eol:nstring)
               (quotel:nstring) (fu:math_unary_op)
               (d:java_json) : java_json :=
      match fu with
      | uop_math_float_of_string => mk_java_unary_op0_foreign cname (^"floatOfString") d
      | uop_math_acos => mk_java_unary_op0_foreign cname (^"acos") d
      | uop_math_asin => mk_java_unary_op0_foreign cname (^"asin") d
      | uop_math_atan => mk_java_unary_op0_foreign cname (^"atan") d
      | uop_math_cos => mk_java_unary_op0_foreign cname (^"cos") d
      | uop_math_cosh => mk_java_unary_op0_foreign cname (^"cosh") d
      | uop_math_sin => mk_java_unary_op0_foreign cname (^"sin") d
      | uop_math_sinh => mk_java_unary_op0_foreign cname (^"sinh") d
      | uop_math_tan => mk_java_unary_op0_foreign cname (^"tan") d
      | uop_math_tanh => mk_java_unary_op0_foreign cname (^"tanh") d

    Definition math_to_java_binary_op
               (indent:nat) (eol:nstring)
               (quotel:nstring) (fb:math_binary_op)
               (d1 d2:java_json) : java_json :=
      match fb with
      | bop_math_atan2 => mk_java_binary_op0_foreign cname (^"atan2") d1 d2

  End toJava.

  Section toEJson.
    Inductive ejson_math_runtime_op :=
    | EJsonRuntimeFloatOfString
    | EJsonRuntimeAcos
    | EJsonRuntimeAsin
    | EJsonRuntimeAtan
    | EJsonRuntimeAtan2
    | EJsonRuntimeCos
    | EJsonRuntimeCosh
    | EJsonRuntimeSin
    | EJsonRuntimeSinh
    | EJsonRuntimeTan
    | EJsonRuntimeTanh

    Definition ejson_math_runtime_op_tostring op : string :=
      match op with
      | EJsonRuntimeFloatOfString => "floatOfString"
      | EJsonRuntimeAcos => "acos"
      | EJsonRuntimeAsin => "asin"
      | EJsonRuntimeAtan => "atan"
      | EJsonRuntimeAtan2 => "atan2"
      | EJsonRuntimeCos => "cos"
      | EJsonRuntimeCosh => "cosh"
      | EJsonRuntimeSin => "sin"
      | EJsonRuntimeSinh => "sinh"
      | EJsonRuntimeTan => "tan"
      | EJsonRuntimeTanh => "tanh"

  End toEJson.
End MathOperators.