Module ErgoSpec.ErgoC.Lang.ErgoC

ErgoC is an intermediate language for the Ergo compiler in which:

Abstract Syntax

Require Import String.
Require Import List.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Backend.QLib.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Common.Provenance.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Common.Result.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Common.Names.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Types.ErgoType.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Ergo.Lang.Ergo.

Section ErgoC.

  Section Syntax.

    Definition ergoc_expr := laergo_expr.

    Record sigc :=
        { sigc_params: list (string * laergo_type);
          sigc_output : option laergo_type; }.

    Record ergoc_function :=
        { functionc_annot : provenance;
          functionc_sig : sigc;
          functionc_body : option ergoc_expr; }.

    Definition bodyc_annot (f:ergoc_function) : provenance :=
      match f.(functionc_body) with
      | None => f.(functionc_annot)
      | Some e => expr_annot e
    Record ergoc_contract :=
        { contractc_annot : provenance;
          contractc_template : laergo_type;
          contractc_state : option laergo_type;
          contractc_clauses : list (local_name * ergoc_function); }.

    Inductive ergoc_declaration :=
    | DCExpr : provenance -> ergoc_expr -> ergoc_declaration
    | DCConstant : provenance -> absolute_name -> option laergo_type -> ergoc_expr -> ergoc_declaration
    | DCFunc : provenance -> absolute_name -> ergoc_function -> ergoc_declaration
    | DCContract : provenance -> absolute_name -> ergoc_contract -> ergoc_declaration.

    Record ergoc_module :=
        { modulec_annot : provenance;
          modulec_namespace : string;
          modulec_declarations : list ergoc_declaration; }.

  End Syntax.

  Section Lookup.
    Fixpoint lookup_clausec_request_signatures (dl:list (local_name * ergoc_function)) : list (local_name * sigc) :=
      match dl with
      | nil => nil
      | (n,f) :: dl' =>
        match f.(functionc_sig).(sigc_params) with
        | this_contract::this_state::this_emit::((name,ErgoTypeClassRef _ _)::nil) =>
          (n,f.(functionc_sig)) :: lookup_clausec_request_signatures dl'
        | _ =>
          lookup_clausec_request_signatures dl'
    Definition lookup_contractc_request_signatures (c:ergoc_contract) : list (local_name * sigc) :=
      lookup_clausec_request_signatures c.(contractc_clauses).

  End Lookup.
  Section Semantics.

  End Semantics.

  Section Evaluation.
  End Evaluation.

End ErgoC.