Module ErgoSpec.Utils.Misc

This file includes a few definitions and theorems used throughout the development

Require Import String.
Require Import List.
Require Import Qcert.Utils.NativeString.

Section Misc.
  Section String.
    Local Open Scope nstring_scope.
    Definition nstring_multi_append {A} separator (f:A -> nstring) (elems:list A) : nstring :=
      match elems with
      | nil => nstring_quote ""
      | e :: elems' =>
        (fold_left (fun acc e => acc +++ separator +++ (f e)) elems' (f e))%string

Turns "" into "baz" if there is at least one '.' character
    Parameter get_local_part : string -> option string.

Finds duplicates in a list of strings
    Parameter find_duplicate : list string -> option string.
  End String.

  Section List.
    Fixpoint filter_some {A B} (f:A -> option B) (l:list A) : list B :=
      match l with
      | nil => nil
      | x :: t =>
        match f x with
        | None => (filter_some f t)
        | Some x' => x' :: (filter_some f t)

    Definition postpend {A} (ls : list A) (a : A) : list A :=
      ls ++ (a :: nil).

    Fixpoint last_some {A} (l:list (option A)) : option A :=
      let proc_one (one:option A) (acc:option A) :=
          match acc with
          | Some x => Some x
          | None => one

    Fixpoint last_some_pair {A} {B} (l:list ((option A) * (option B))) : ((option A) * (option B)) :=
      let proc_one (one : ((option A) * (option B))) (acc : ((option A) * (option B))) :=
          match acc with
          | (Some x, Some y) => acc
          | _ => one
        (None, None)

  End List.

Topological sort.
  Section TopoSort.
    Context {A B C:Set}.
    Parameter coq_distinct : (A -> string) -> list A -> list A.
    Parameter coq_toposort : (A -> B) -> (A -> string) -> list (A * list A) -> list A.
    Parameter coq_sort_given_topo_order : list A -> (A -> string) -> (C-> string) -> (A -> string) -> list C -> list C.
  End TopoSort.

Time monitoring
  Section TimeInstrumentation.
    Context {A B:Set}.
    Parameter coq_time : string -> (A -> B) -> A -> B.
  End TimeInstrumentation.

Can printout warnings
  Section Warnings.
    Context {A:Set}.
    Parameter coq_print_warnings : string -> list string -> A -> A.
  End Warnings.
End Misc.