The following CommonMark guide is non normative, but included for convenience. For a more detailed introduction we refer the reader the CommonMark Webpage and Specification.
To italicize text, add one asterisk *
or underscore _
both before and after the relevant text.
_Donoghue v Stevenson_ is a landmark tort law case.
will be rendered as:
Donoghue v Stevenson is a landmark tort law case.
To bold text, add two asterisks **
or two underscores __
both before and after the relevant text.
**Price** is defined in the Appendix.
will be rendered as:
Price is defined in the Appendix.
Bold and Italic
To bold and italicize text, add ***
both before and after the relevant text.
***WARNING***: This product contains chemicals that may cause cancer.
will be rendered as:
WARNING: This product contains chemicals that may cause cancer.
To start a new paragraph, insert one or more blank lines. (In other words, all paragraphs in markdown need to have one or more blank lines between them.)
This is the first paragraph.
This is the second paragraph.
This is not a third paragraph.
will be rendered as:
This is the first paragraph.
This is the second paragraph. This is not a third paragraph.
(ATX Headings)
Using Level-1 through level-6 headings from are written with a #
for each level.
# US Constitution
## Statutes enacted by Congress
### Rules promulgated by federal agencies
#### State constitution
##### Laws enacted by state legislature
###### Local laws and ordinances
will be rendered as:
US Constitution
Statutes enacted by Congress
Rules promulgated by federal agencies
State constitution
Laws enacted by state legislature
Local laws and ordinances
or -
(Setext Headings)
Using Alternatively, headings with level 1 or 2 can be represented by using =
and -
under the text of the heading.
Linux Foundation
Accord Project
will be rendered as:
Linux Foundation
Accord Project
Unordered Lists
To create an unordered list, use asterisks *
, plus +
, or hyphens -
in the beginning as list markers.
* Cicero
* Ergo
* Concerto
Will be rendered as:
- Cicero
- Ergo
- Concerto
Ordered Lists
To create an ordered list, use numbers followed by a period .
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
will be rendered as:
- One
- Two
- Three
Nested Lists
To create a list within another, indent each item in the sublist by four spaces.
1. Matters related to the business
- enter into an agreement...
- enter into any abnormal contracts...
2. Matters related to the assets
- sell or otherwise dispose...
- mortage, ...
will be rendered as:
- Matters related to the business
- enter into an agreement...
- enter into any abnormal contracts...
- Matters related to the assets
- sell or otherwise dispose...
- mortgage, ...
To create a table, use pipes |
to separate each column and use three or more hyphens ---
for each column's header. For compatibility, you should not create a table without a header and add also add a pipe on either end of a row.
| Header 1 | Header 2 |
| ----------- | ----------- |
| Column 1 | Column 2 |
will be rendered as
Header 1 Header 2 Column 1 Column 2
It is not necessary to have identical cell widths for the whole table. The rendered output will look the same irrespective of varying cell widths.
| Header 1 | Header 2 |
| ---------| ---------|
| Column 1 | Column 2 |
will be rendered as
Header 1 Header 2 Column 1 Column 2
Formatting the Tables
A table can contain links, code (words or phrases in backticks (`) only) , formatted text (bold, italics) or images. However, adding lists, headings, blockquotes, code blocks, horizontal rules or nested tables is not possible.
| Column1 | Column 2 |
| ----------- | ----------- |
| text |  |
| \`\`\`code block\`\`\` | **Bold content** |
| [link]( | *Italics* |
will be rendered as
Column1 Column 2 text ```code block``` Bold content link Italics
Horizontal Rule
A horizontal rule may be used to create a "thematic break" between paragraph-level elements. In markdown, you can create a thematic break using either of the following:
: three consecutive underscores---
: three consecutive dashes***
: three consecutive asterisks
Will be rendered as:
Any markdown character that is used for a special purpose may be escaped by placing a backslash in front of it.
For instance avoid creating bold or italic when using *
or _
in a sentence, place a backslash \
in the front, like: \*
or \_
This is \_not\_ italics but _this_ is!
Will be rendered as:
This is _not_ italics but this is!