Module ErgoSpec.Types.ErgoTypetoErgoCType

Require Import String.
Require Import List.

Require Import ErgoSpec.Backend.QLib.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Utils.Misc.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Common.Names.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Common.Result.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Common.Provenance.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Common.Ast.
Require Import ErgoSpec.Types.ErgoType.

Section ErgoTypetoErgoCType.
  Definition expand_hierarchy : Set := list string.
  Inductive expanded_type :=
  | ClassObjectType : list (string * laergo_type) -> expanded_type
  | ClassEnumType : list string -> expanded_type.
  Definition expand_ctxt : Set := list (string * (expand_hierarchy * expanded_type)).

  Section ErgoTypeExpansion.
Assumes decls sorted in topological order
    Definition ergo_expand_class_object_extends
               (localtype:list (string * laergo_type)) : expand_ctxt :=
      match lookup string_dec ctxt super with
      | Some (hierarchy, (ClassObjectType etype)) =>
        (this, (super::hierarchy,(ClassObjectType (etype ++ localtype)))) :: ctxt
      | _ => ctxt

    Definition ergo_expand_class_enum_extends
               (enum_list:list string) : expand_ctxt :=
      (this, (super::nil, (ClassEnumType enum_list))) :: ctxt.

    Definition ergo_decl_expand_extends (ctxt:expand_ctxt)
               (decl_desc:laergo_type_declaration_desc) : expand_ctxt :=
      match decl_desc with
      | ErgoTypeEnum enum_list =>
        ergo_expand_class_enum_extends ctxt this default_enum_absolute_name enum_list
      | ErgoTypeTransaction _ None rtl =>
        if string_dec this default_transaction_absolute_name
        then (this, (nil, ClassObjectType rtl)) :: ctxt
        else ergo_expand_class_object_extends ctxt this default_transaction_absolute_name rtl
      | ErgoTypeTransaction _ (Some super) rtl =>
        ergo_expand_class_object_extends ctxt this super rtl
      | ErgoTypeConcept _ None rtl =>
        (this, (nil, ClassObjectType rtl)) :: ctxt
      | ErgoTypeConcept _ (Some super) rtl =>
        ergo_expand_class_object_extends ctxt this super rtl
      | ErgoTypeEvent _ None rtl =>
        if string_dec this default_event_absolute_name
        then (this, (nil, ClassObjectType rtl)) :: ctxt
        else ergo_expand_class_object_extends ctxt this default_event_absolute_name rtl
      | ErgoTypeEvent _ (Some super) rtl =>
        ergo_expand_class_object_extends ctxt this super rtl
      | ErgoTypeAsset _ None rtl =>
        if string_dec this default_asset_absolute_name
        then (this, (nil, ClassObjectType rtl)) :: ctxt
        else ergo_expand_class_object_extends ctxt this default_asset_absolute_name rtl
      | ErgoTypeAsset _ (Some super) rtl =>
        ergo_expand_class_object_extends ctxt this super rtl
      | ErgoTypeParticipant _ None rtl =>
        if string_dec this default_participant_absolute_name
        then (this, (nil, ClassObjectType rtl)) :: ctxt
        else ergo_expand_class_object_extends ctxt this default_participant_absolute_name rtl
      | ErgoTypeParticipant _ (Some super) rtl =>
        ergo_expand_class_object_extends ctxt this super rtl
      | ErgoTypeGlobal _ => ctxt
      | ErgoTypeFunction _ => ctxt
      | ErgoTypeContract _ _ _ => ctxt

    Fixpoint ergo_expand_extends_in_declarations (decls:list laergo_type_declaration) : expand_ctxt :=
        (fun ctxt decl =>
        decls nil.

    Definition ergo_hierarchy_from_expand (ctxt : expand_ctxt) :=
         ( (fun xyz =>
                      let '(super, (hierarchy, _)) := xyz in
             (fun x => (super, x)) hierarchy)

  End ErgoTypeExpansion.

  Section ErgoTypetoErgoCType.
    Context {m:brand_relation}.

    Import QcertType.

    Definition enums_ctxt : Set := list string.

    Fixpoint ergo_type_to_ergoc_type (t:laergo_type) : ergoc_type :=
      match t with
      | ErgoTypeAny _ => ttop
      | ErgoTypeNothing _ => tbottom
      | ErgoTypeUnit _ => tunit
      | ErgoTypeBoolean _ => tbool
      | ErgoTypeString _ => tstring
      | ErgoTypeDouble _ => tfloat
      | ErgoTypeLong _ => tnat
      | ErgoTypeInteger _ => tnat
      | ErgoTypeDateTimeFormat _ => tdateTimeFormat
      | ErgoTypeDateTime _ => tdateTime
      | ErgoTypeDuration _ => tduration
      | ErgoTypePeriod _ => tperiod
      | ErgoTypeClassRef _ cr => tbrand (cr::nil)
      | ErgoTypeOption _ t => teither (ergo_type_to_ergoc_type t) tunit
      | ErgoTypeRecord _ rtl =>
          (rec_sort ( (fun xy => (fst xy, ergo_type_to_ergoc_type (snd xy))) rtl))
             ( (fun xy => (fst xy, ergo_type_to_ergoc_type (snd xy))) rtl)
             (rec_sort ( (fun xy => (fst xy, ergo_type_to_ergoc_type (snd xy))) rtl))
      | ErgoTypeArray _ t => tcoll (ergo_type_to_ergoc_type t)
      | ErgoTypeSum _ t1 t2 => teither (ergo_type_to_ergoc_type t1) (ergo_type_to_ergoc_type t2)

    Fixpoint enum_type_of_list (enum_list: list string) : ectype :=
      match enum_list with
      | nil => tstring
      | item :: enum_list' =>
        teither tstring (enum_type_of_list enum_list')

    Definition ergo_ctype_from_expanded_type (et:expanded_type) : ectype :=
      match et with
      | ClassObjectType rtl =>
             ( (fun xy => (fst xy, ergo_type_to_ergoc_type (snd xy))) rtl))
             ( (fun xy => (fst xy, ergo_type_to_ergoc_type (snd xy))) rtl)
             (rec_sort ( (fun xy => (fst xy, ergo_type_to_ergoc_type (snd xy))) rtl))
      | ClassEnumType enum_list =>
        enum_type_of_list enum_list
    Definition ergo_ctype_decl_from_expand (ctxt : expand_ctxt) : tbrand_context_decls :=
      (default_enum_absolute_name, ttop)
        :: ( (fun xyz =>
                        (fst xyz,
                         let expanded := snd (snd xyz) in
                         ergo_ctype_from_expanded_type expanded))

  End ErgoTypetoErgoCType.

  Section Translate.
    Local Open Scope string.
    Import QcertType.

    Definition brand_relation_maybe hierarchy : eresult tbrand_relation
      := eresult_of_qresult dummy_provenance (mk_tbrand_relation hierarchy).

    Definition mk_model_type_decls
               (ctxt : expand_ctxt) : tbrand_context_decls :=
      @ergo_ctype_decl_from_expand br ctxt.

    Definition label_of_decl (decl:laergo_type_declaration) : string := decl.(type_declaration_name).
    Definition name_of_decl : laergo_type_declaration -> string := label_of_decl.
    Definition decls_table (decls:list laergo_type_declaration) : list (string * laergo_type_declaration) := (fun d => (d.(type_declaration_name), d)) decls.
    Definition edge_of_decl (dt:list (string * laergo_type_declaration)) (decl:laergo_type_declaration) : laergo_type_declaration * list laergo_type_declaration :=
      let outedges := type_declaration_extend_rel decl in
      (decl, List.concat ( (fun xy => match lookup string_dec dt (snd xy) with | None => nil | Some x => x :: nil end) outedges)).
    Definition graph_of_decls (decls:list laergo_type_declaration)
      : list (laergo_type_declaration * list (laergo_type_declaration)) :=
      let dt := decls_table decls in
      map (edge_of_decl dt) decls.
    Definition sort_decls (decls:list laergo_type_declaration) : list laergo_type_declaration :=
      let decls := coq_distinct name_of_decl decls in
      coq_toposort label_of_decl name_of_decl (graph_of_decls decls).

    Definition brand_model_of_declarations
               (decls:list laergo_type_declaration)
      : eresult (tbrand_model * list laergo_type_declaration) :=
      let decls := sort_decls decls in
      let ctxt := ergo_expand_extends_in_declarations decls in
      let hierarchy := ergo_hierarchy_from_expand ctxt in
      let res :=
          eolift (fun br =>
                    eresult_of_qresult dummy_provenance
                                       (mk_tbrand_model (@mk_model_type_decls br ctxt)))
                 (brand_relation_maybe hierarchy)
      elift (fun x => (x, decls)) res.

    Definition force_brand_model_of_declarations
               (decls:list laergo_type_declaration)
      : tbrand_model * list laergo_type_declaration :=
      elift_both id
                 (fun _ => (tempty_brand_model, nil))
                 (brand_model_of_declarations decls).

  End Translate.

  Section Expand.
    Context {A:Set}.
    Definition sort_given_topo_order (order:list laergo_type_declaration) (label:A -> string) (l:list A) : list A :=
      coq_sort_given_topo_order order label_of_decl label name_of_decl l.
  End Expand.

End ErgoTypetoErgoCType.